Look At My Books!

A book is the only place in which you can examine a fragile thought without breaking it, or explore an explosive idea without fear it will go off in your face. It is one of the few havens remaining where a man's mind can get both provocation and privacy.

~Edward P. Morgan

I'm not much of a bookworm. I don't read very much, but I think books are good stuffs. They let us use our imaginations and open the doors to different places. They're really great and amazing.

SILENT HONOR by Danielle Steel. It was on our shelf for a couple of years and I wasn't reading it because I thought that the title was Silent Horror and I don't like scary stories. One day, I had nothing to do at home so I checked it out and I realized that the title wasn't Silent Horror. It was Silent Honor. Then, I tried to read it and it was really amazing. Everyday, I read it and I never put it down. It was a story which happened during the World War II, when the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor. Because of that, the Japanese in America were put in a camp. One of them is Hiroko, who only went to US to study. She was trapped there without her family because she left them in Japan just to fulfill her father's desire which is for her to study in the USA. And, in the book, you will witness Hiroko's rough experiences during the camp and her love story with Peter.

101 THINGS TO DO BEFORE YOU'RE OLD AND BORING by Ricahrd Horne and Helen Szirtes. I haven't read this one but I'm going to buy it soon so I an read it. I just saw this while I was browsing in the internet for a good boook to buy. I think this book is cool because it will give me ideas about what I should do before I'm old and boring. It will help me think of ways on how to live my life to the fullest!

TWILIGHT SAGA by Stephenie Meyer. At first, I didn't want to read it because everybody was reading it and I didn't was to do the same but one time I got bored so I tried downloading it in the internet. I read it and I thought it was pretty good. It was about a vampire who fell in love with a mortal girl and vice versa and all of the problems (and happiness) they encountered while falling in love. There were lots of complications and romance. The book had a great balance of romance and suspense. It was fine.