School's Cool

SCHOOL. Well, school's cool. I love it. This is where I learned, discovered myself, and met some people who are really important to me.

I study in Colegio San Agustin-Binan and I've been there for about 10 years now; from Junior Kinder until today. YES, hardcore. I have seen it improve and I think it's pretty good.

PRE-SCHOOL DAYS are really fun. My mom was always with me. My teachers were really really nice except for one which I am not naming(she's not my adviser). I loved everything about pre-school. There were lots of fun activities and I didn't really feel any pressure. I wasn't worried about my grades though I got good ones. I was ranked 3rd, 5th and 9th and I received bronze medals and Gold Eagle Certificates. I don't remember much about JK,SK, and Prep, but there's always this one thing that would never be erased in my head; pre-school is to floods. When I was in pre-elem, whenever it rains, there's always the "baha" and it would enter the buildings. I remember one time, I think I was in JK, my teacher made us stand on the tables because there's already water inside the classroom. Well, that was CSA before. There's always "baha."

GRADE SCHOOL. At first it was just okay but later on it started to become harder. 1st and 2nd grade were still easy but 3rd isn't. My mom still guided me in reviewing during that time and she would make me memorize things on long bond papers, back-to-back. I would often cry but in the end, I would memorize everything. Grade 4 was the same with grade 3 but I didn't like grade 4 that much because I was removed from the over-all top ten for the first time though I still received a Gold Eagle Certificate. Well, I understand why. I was extremely talkative during that year and sometimes, because of too much talking, I would not know anything about the discussion. I have learned my lesson during that year. Grade 5. My mom didn't guide me anymore so I studied all by myself, and I was really happy at the end of the year because I was in the over-all top ten again and I received a Gold Eagle Certificate. I was really proud because it was just me and my mom wasn't guiding me anymore. So after grade 5 is grade 6. A lot of unforgettable things happened this year; (1.) First fight with my 3-year best friend, Janella. I was really sad but soon, everything became okay already and we got even more closer.(2.) I was the Editor for Photojournalism in the Grade School News Letter. It was really fun! The other editors and I joined a lot of contests with Ms. Terrenal, our moderator. She was really fun and nice and we loved her a lot. (3.) I joined a math contest outside the school and we won 2nd place! It was really cool.(4.) The "Chatmates" was created; Me, Mikah, Macy, Naomi and Thricia. I had so much fun with them during that year though everything ended when we became High School Students. (5.) I was ranked 6th(4th honorable mention) and I received a Gold Eagle Certificate. I didn't really expect it since I was not super focused on my studies during that year, but I'm still glad that it was the out come. So, I graduated grade school and entered high school.

Then, I entered the big warm family of the High School Department. I have heard a lot about it. My friends said that this is the best part of school; HIGH SCHOOL. And, they were right! It Was really fun. My first year was kind of great. At first I was kind of sad because Janella moved to Manila so we're no longer schoolmates but luckily, she lives near my grandma's house and she studies near it , too, so if ever we're free, we can still see each other. Another reason for my sadness is that I was separated from my old friends. I kind of missed them but later I learned that I should move on because all of them did already so that was what I did. After that, I discovered how great my class is. We became really close and we became one huge "barkada." It was really cool. And now, I'm a sophomore already. Most of my classmates didn't really change because we're in the star section. It's cool because we don't have to adjsut anymore. And I can say that of all the sections, ours is the closest because we were already together last year and our bond is already strong. And this year, it will be stronger.

I still have three years of high schol and I'm quite thrilled because I know that it's going to be one hell of a ride!


Junior Kinder- Bl. Maria Theresa of Fasce, Ms. Marivic Grefalda
Senior Kinder- Plato, Ms. Cecil Ayag (before: Sicat)
Prep- Harmodius, Ms. Tina Baet
Grade 1- Tagaste, Ms. Donna Bandoy
Grade 2- Licentius, Ms. Jane Coralejo
Grade 3- Trygenius, Ms. Cynthia Holanda
Grade 4- De Beata Vita, Ms. Marivic Falco (before: Miralpes)
Grade 5- Andres de Aguirre, Ms. Maida Quiambao
Grade 6- Bl. Josefa dela Purificacion, Ms. Lyn Teñido
1st Year- Bl. Veronica of Binasco, Ms. Divine Castillo
2nd Year- Bl. Clement of Osimo, Ms. Cecilia Bayotas