When Boredom Strikes


When I'm bored I usually do stuffs that would cheer me up. Those are my hobbies. They may sound boring to some people but for me they're extremely fun!

Anything on the computer! When I have nothing to do at home, I go right away to the computer. Well, these are the things that I usually do there; (1.) I check and update my multiply and facebook account. Sometimes, I also play games in facebook and my favorites are Sorority Life and Texas Hold 'Em Poker. Those are really fun. (2.) I chat with people. Of course, you need to socialize to overcome boredom. (3.) I create layouts for my multiply profile and edit the stuffs there. You need a lot of patience in doing this. It's kind of hard since you still have to search for css codes for your layout. It's crazy. (4.) I edit pictures. This is really fun. You can experiment with things and create extra-ordinary pictures which are really really cool. (5.) While doing all those, I listen to music. Everyone loves music and I'm everyone. It's just so amazing how musicians create such amazing melodies. Well, that's pretty much everything that I usually do when I'm on the computer.

Another hobby is watching movies. I really love watching movies either at home or at the movies house. Sometimes I can watch 3 movies a day. I never get tired of it. The kind of movies that I really like are the funny and "mababaw" ones like Wedding Crashers, What Happens In vegas Stays In Vegas, The Lakehouse and Mean Girls . I'm not very much into action or extra-ordinary stuffs. And, horror movies are a huge NO NO! It would bother me every night and I won't be able to sleep early because of it.

And lastly, since it only happens when I have load, texting! YES, texting! Just like every teenager in this world, I text. I like it. I love it. It's fun, though I don't see the people that I communicate with. Well, even though I don't see them it's still cool since I can talk to my friends and cousins whom I don't really see that much. I can stay in-touch with them through texting.