Look At My Books!

A book is the only place in which you can examine a fragile thought without breaking it, or explore an explosive idea without fear it will go off in your face. It is one of the few havens remaining where a man's mind can get both provocation and privacy.

~Edward P. Morgan

I'm not much of a bookworm. I don't read very much, but I think books are good stuffs. They let us use our imaginations and open the doors to different places. They're really great and amazing.

SILENT HONOR by Danielle Steel. It was on our shelf for a couple of years and I wasn't reading it because I thought that the title was Silent Horror and I don't like scary stories. One day, I had nothing to do at home so I checked it out and I realized that the title wasn't Silent Horror. It was Silent Honor. Then, I tried to read it and it was really amazing. Everyday, I read it and I never put it down. It was a story which happened during the World War II, when the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor. Because of that, the Japanese in America were put in a camp. One of them is Hiroko, who only went to US to study. She was trapped there without her family because she left them in Japan just to fulfill her father's desire which is for her to study in the USA. And, in the book, you will witness Hiroko's rough experiences during the camp and her love story with Peter.

101 THINGS TO DO BEFORE YOU'RE OLD AND BORING by Ricahrd Horne and Helen Szirtes. I haven't read this one but I'm going to buy it soon so I an read it. I just saw this while I was browsing in the internet for a good boook to buy. I think this book is cool because it will give me ideas about what I should do before I'm old and boring. It will help me think of ways on how to live my life to the fullest!

TWILIGHT SAGA by Stephenie Meyer. At first, I didn't want to read it because everybody was reading it and I didn't was to do the same but one time I got bored so I tried downloading it in the internet. I read it and I thought it was pretty good. It was about a vampire who fell in love with a mortal girl and vice versa and all of the problems (and happiness) they encountered while falling in love. There were lots of complications and romance. The book had a great balance of romance and suspense. It was fine.

School's Cool

SCHOOL. Well, school's cool. I love it. This is where I learned, discovered myself, and met some people who are really important to me.

I study in Colegio San Agustin-Binan and I've been there for about 10 years now; from Junior Kinder until today. YES, hardcore. I have seen it improve and I think it's pretty good.

PRE-SCHOOL DAYS are really fun. My mom was always with me. My teachers were really really nice except for one which I am not naming(she's not my adviser). I loved everything about pre-school. There were lots of fun activities and I didn't really feel any pressure. I wasn't worried about my grades though I got good ones. I was ranked 3rd, 5th and 9th and I received bronze medals and Gold Eagle Certificates. I don't remember much about JK,SK, and Prep, but there's always this one thing that would never be erased in my head; pre-school is to floods. When I was in pre-elem, whenever it rains, there's always the "baha" and it would enter the buildings. I remember one time, I think I was in JK, my teacher made us stand on the tables because there's already water inside the classroom. Well, that was CSA before. There's always "baha."

GRADE SCHOOL. At first it was just okay but later on it started to become harder. 1st and 2nd grade were still easy but 3rd isn't. My mom still guided me in reviewing during that time and she would make me memorize things on long bond papers, back-to-back. I would often cry but in the end, I would memorize everything. Grade 4 was the same with grade 3 but I didn't like grade 4 that much because I was removed from the over-all top ten for the first time though I still received a Gold Eagle Certificate. Well, I understand why. I was extremely talkative during that year and sometimes, because of too much talking, I would not know anything about the discussion. I have learned my lesson during that year. Grade 5. My mom didn't guide me anymore so I studied all by myself, and I was really happy at the end of the year because I was in the over-all top ten again and I received a Gold Eagle Certificate. I was really proud because it was just me and my mom wasn't guiding me anymore. So after grade 5 is grade 6. A lot of unforgettable things happened this year; (1.) First fight with my 3-year best friend, Janella. I was really sad but soon, everything became okay already and we got even more closer.(2.) I was the Editor for Photojournalism in the Grade School News Letter. It was really fun! The other editors and I joined a lot of contests with Ms. Terrenal, our moderator. She was really fun and nice and we loved her a lot. (3.) I joined a math contest outside the school and we won 2nd place! It was really cool.(4.) The "Chatmates" was created; Me, Mikah, Macy, Naomi and Thricia. I had so much fun with them during that year though everything ended when we became High School Students. (5.) I was ranked 6th(4th honorable mention) and I received a Gold Eagle Certificate. I didn't really expect it since I was not super focused on my studies during that year, but I'm still glad that it was the out come. So, I graduated grade school and entered high school.

Then, I entered the big warm family of the High School Department. I have heard a lot about it. My friends said that this is the best part of school; HIGH SCHOOL. And, they were right! It Was really fun. My first year was kind of great. At first I was kind of sad because Janella moved to Manila so we're no longer schoolmates but luckily, she lives near my grandma's house and she studies near it , too, so if ever we're free, we can still see each other. Another reason for my sadness is that I was separated from my old friends. I kind of missed them but later I learned that I should move on because all of them did already so that was what I did. After that, I discovered how great my class is. We became really close and we became one huge "barkada." It was really cool. And now, I'm a sophomore already. Most of my classmates didn't really change because we're in the star section. It's cool because we don't have to adjsut anymore. And I can say that of all the sections, ours is the closest because we were already together last year and our bond is already strong. And this year, it will be stronger.

I still have three years of high schol and I'm quite thrilled because I know that it's going to be one hell of a ride!


Junior Kinder- Bl. Maria Theresa of Fasce, Ms. Marivic Grefalda
Senior Kinder- Plato, Ms. Cecil Ayag (before: Sicat)
Prep- Harmodius, Ms. Tina Baet
Grade 1- Tagaste, Ms. Donna Bandoy
Grade 2- Licentius, Ms. Jane Coralejo
Grade 3- Trygenius, Ms. Cynthia Holanda
Grade 4- De Beata Vita, Ms. Marivic Falco (before: Miralpes)
Grade 5- Andres de Aguirre, Ms. Maida Quiambao
Grade 6- Bl. Josefa dela Purificacion, Ms. Lyn Teñido
1st Year- Bl. Veronica of Binasco, Ms. Divine Castillo
2nd Year- Bl. Clement of Osimo, Ms. Cecilia Bayotas

When Boredom Strikes


When I'm bored I usually do stuffs that would cheer me up. Those are my hobbies. They may sound boring to some people but for me they're extremely fun!

Anything on the computer! When I have nothing to do at home, I go right away to the computer. Well, these are the things that I usually do there; (1.) I check and update my multiply and facebook account. Sometimes, I also play games in facebook and my favorites are Sorority Life and Texas Hold 'Em Poker. Those are really fun. (2.) I chat with people. Of course, you need to socialize to overcome boredom. (3.) I create layouts for my multiply profile and edit the stuffs there. You need a lot of patience in doing this. It's kind of hard since you still have to search for css codes for your layout. It's crazy. (4.) I edit pictures. This is really fun. You can experiment with things and create extra-ordinary pictures which are really really cool. (5.) While doing all those, I listen to music. Everyone loves music and I'm everyone. It's just so amazing how musicians create such amazing melodies. Well, that's pretty much everything that I usually do when I'm on the computer.

Another hobby is watching movies. I really love watching movies either at home or at the movies house. Sometimes I can watch 3 movies a day. I never get tired of it. The kind of movies that I really like are the funny and "mababaw" ones like Wedding Crashers, What Happens In vegas Stays In Vegas, The Lakehouse and Mean Girls . I'm not very much into action or extra-ordinary stuffs. And, horror movies are a huge NO NO! It would bother me every night and I won't be able to sleep early because of it.

And lastly, since it only happens when I have load, texting! YES, texting! Just like every teenager in this world, I text. I like it. I love it. It's fun, though I don't see the people that I communicate with. Well, even though I don't see them it's still cool since I can talk to my friends and cousins whom I don't really see that much. I can stay in-touch with them through texting.

The Main Cast

On the 25th of December, 2008.

Well, here's the main cast, my family. They make my life oh so perfect no matter how imperfect it is. They are very loving, caring, supportive and really really awesome! Whenever things are not okay with me, they are always there to cheer me up. I love them so very much. These people are IRREPLACEABLE.

The only man in our house is Jaime Jose Perez. He's my "tatay." Unlike other dads, he prefers to be called tatay because he thinks that it sounds sweet. He works abroad. There, he is the captain of the ship but here, he is the captain of our family. He is kind of strict but I understand why. I know that he only wants the best for his family. Though he is strict, he is also very much sweet and funny. His jokes crank me up whenever I'm bored. He is the best father anyone could ever ask for!

The light of the family is Janet Perez, my mommy. She is a housewife. She gave up her work to stay home with us. My mom is very caring and supportive. Even though I'm already in second year, she still helps me in my lessons whenever I don't understand it very much. I love being with her specially when when we go out to pamper ourselves. I always have so much fun! She's the best mom ever!

My little sister's name is Paulyn Anne Perez. She's also in Colegio San Agustin-Binan, and is currently in grade one. We fight a lot because she's my total opposite. She's very loud at home and it bugs me very much. But even though she's really annoying and "makulit" and really really "madrama," I still love her and no one can ever replace my little sister.

Among my relatives, I'm only close to one person and that's my cousin, Francine Kristel Gacis. We're very close. We're like sisters. We have the same interests. We do a lot of stuffs together whenever we see each other. Also, we do a lot of sleepovers which I think is really fun. We go to the mall a lot. We always have tons of fun. She's really great.

These two people are not really a part of the Perez Family since they are from the Pineda's and Bergonia's. Though they have a different blood, I still consider them family because we're really really close.

Janella Erica Pineda. We met when were in Prep in CSA. She's my best friend! We have a lot of similarities and we share a lot of amazing memories. Last year, during our first year in high school, she moved to Manila. We didn't really see each other very much but we're still very close. No one can ever steal her place. She'll always be my best bud.

And, Julio Jerome Bergonia. I don't really know when we first met because I think we were still babies during that time. We did a lot of things together. We played together, tutored together and even went to school together. We know each other very well though we're not really similar. Nobody can ever replace him. He'll always be Oyo, my best guy friend.

Scene Number One

Pam growing up from a baby to a lady.

Pamela Anne H. Perez in not purely "Pamela Anne H. Perez." Different people and different experiences molded her to what she is now. Everything and every one in her life became a secret ingridient to create a very unique person like her.

21st day of March, 1995, after nine months of waiting, I finally arrived; the baby that would bring joy to the hearts of Jay and Janet Perez. I was their first born. We lived a happy and simple life in our first and current home here in Laguna.

As a child, I was very
curious of things. I loved learning and discovering the world. I even stapled my own thumb just to know the feeling of a paper being stapled. Due to this great hunger for learning, I received awards in school. I liked it. There's always this great feeling inside of me whenever I get up on stage with my mom to receive my award. I loved how the people would clap for you the time your name is called, and how the the priests and teachers would congratulate you after getting your award. It's been like that every year; from Junior Kinder until now, and I hope that it would be the same until the time that I graduate college.

Today, I am a
14 year-old sophomore in Colegio San Agustin Binan. My life's going pretty well. My family's great. School's good. Everything's fine since God's by my side everyday of my life. I am very much grateful for all the blessings that has been bestowed upon me. I really appreciate them all. THANK YOU GOD. :)

As my journey continues, I want to achieve all my dreams in life. I want to be a successful business woman, a great wife and mother to my future family, and a good person. I also want to travel the world, and experience the most extra-ordinary things in life. I want to
live my life to the fullest!